Standstill is, without a doubt, one of the national bands most committed to their own development and exploration. From their primeval hardcore, the group leaded by Enric Montefusco has never ceased to seek their own sound. For almost two decades Standstill has gone through more evolutionary stages than most bands in their entire history. After their initial hardcore won four musical references (The Tide, The Ionic Spell, Memories Collector, The Latest Kiss), they changed into Spanish in 2004 embracing a new unique sound. Vivalaguerra led them to the top in 2006 winning critical and audience acclaim but also gaining a reputation that later will be the key to release two of their more ambitious projects: Adelante, Bonaparte (2010) and Dentro de la Luz (2013). With widely respected musicians, Standstill provides one of the best shows on the national scene.
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